“Empathy” Postcard Pack
These Empathy Postcards were designed to make it easier for you to be there for your loved one when it really matters. You can send or give one at a time, or send them in a series—once a week—to the same person. Send these over the duration of a treatment, at any time following a tragedy (not just during the first days or weeks!), or when your friend is just having a tough go.
• Twenty extra-large 5″ x 7″ postcards with card stock cover
• 2 each of 10 different designs (20 total postcards)
• Postcards require standard letter/first-class mail postage
At Em & Friends, they want you to feel truly seen, heard, less alone, and connected to the people you love—including yourself!—in good times, crazy times, and really freaking hard times too (especially those times). After a cancer diagnosis, founder, Emily McDowell, started making cards that spoke to complex or nontraditional life experiences. Later she teamed up with another woman-owned company, Knock Knock, to continue making kickass cards and products honoring the relationships people really have and the lives people really lead. These include relationships and lives that are messy and beautiful, tricky and wonderful, and a whole bunch of everything else in between.